Wholeheartedly agree. TPTB want us isolated. We need to find more *proactive* ways to meet like minded people. I’m doing my part. Happy to say I’ve actually personally connected with a few Substackers that I never would have had the opportunity to meet - just from the comments section - and new friendships are forming. Leverage the resources you have at your fingertips! 😊

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I try every day to get people to get together. The brainwashing did its job. Now we need to break it and show people unless we come together, the nation's finished. It's the main reason I write and try and reach as far as I can while we still can. Thank you for the comment :)

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Agree, 100%. It’s so important for us to come together, while we still can. I’m working on a website to help facilitate more social gatherings of like minds - offline. Not to make money, just to help build more supportive friendships where people live. There are so many people who comment that they want to do that but then don’t do anything! I’m in the northern suburbs of NY, so I will focus on NY/NJ/CT. Two other friends are on board - one in Austin, TX and one in Chicago. I don’t know if it will work, but we’re going to start small and try. 🤷‍♀️ I’ll keep you posted. 😊

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