I’d like to hear what Trump has to say about their conversation. Any reasonable person would want to know both sides of what was discussed. Who in their right mind would believe anything this psycho says. He has made billions off murder! Then people should cast their frustrations and/or opinions once Trump elaborates on it.

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And Magatards have covered for his crimes for years with their amnesiac delusions

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They are all two sides of the same coin. We no longer have a two party system. It doesn’t matter which way you roll.

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..."Trump is not here to save anyone. He’s here to make Big Pharma and Gates richer."...as if any politician or anyone otherwise connected to government could save anyone from anything. That is an illusion and not the true purpose of any government. All they ever want to do is save themselves and preserve their positions as masters and controllers.

We really don't know what went on between the monster of death and Trump. Perhaps it is safe to assume the worst. Maybe Trump doesn't go to far in pushing more death by injections, but neither does he do anything to stop the monster of death from becoming even more monstrous.

Trump is not that keen on most issues. He rattles and prattles much of the time without thinking of unintended consequences. He has become pretty much like any politician and in that must protect that turf. Meaning he must protect his bombastic ways, arrogance and control.

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Good point.

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I'm convinced J&J was pulled because it wasn't mRNA, not because it was BAD -- which it was. Bill Gates sickens me: his face, his voice, and of course his wickedness. There's a growing movement on X to warn Trump and his people to keep Gates away from his inner circle and US. https://x.com/EmilyTVproducer/status/1881070626783293751 This already has 3.8K views, which is a lot for me...as I am shadow-banned and have just under 10K followers.

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Jan 20Edited

ACTUALLY... when trump pulled the US out of the WHO which was receiving $4B, he funneled the money elsewhere. Where did it go? Gavi - the vaxx scam organization.

Who runs Gavi - the vaxx scam organization ? billy gates

So the fix is likely in. trump pulls the WHO money again, badmouths biden, gets to look like a hero and boasts about how great he is and funnels taxpayer money to pay off billy via Gavi.

That's my prediction.


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I cross-posted without even reading the whole thing. Thank you for this

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Thank you! And you are welcome. This struck a nerve, as Gates should be hanging for genocide. He's murdered millions and walks free.

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I support your speech. Obamacare is forcing us to fund our own extermination, just like Kissinger said we would. The AMA recommends nothing but poison. Antibiotics are gateway drugs, causing an array of problems. One drug leads to another until you're dead.

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Tell me about it. I am dealing with it right now. Had a massive gout attack and took Presidone. They don't tell you that Presidone weakens your immune system and causes brain swelling. I was getting massive migraines. So, a few days later, I got a sinus injection due to a weakened immune system. Remember, just got off a gout attack, which means I had higher than normal uric acid levels. So antibiotics came into the picture. What did that do? It increased uric levels and hampered the ability to remove uric acid from the system. Which did what? Triggered another gout attack. Two cycles of this and haven't been able to walk for 2 months. Finally, going the natural path route. Big Pharma's only job is to keep us sick and reliant on their poison. If we gave other people what they gave us, we would be arrested for attempted murder. Funny how that works.

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I had a candida overgrowth caused by antibiotics that caused debilitating arthritis in my knees and ankles. Turpentine helped me get rid of it, or rather regain a healthy equilibrium. Clearing out parasites and yeast is a good idea. There's no such thing as a cure-all but in the 1899 Merck manual, Turpentine was listed as medicine to treat 150 different ailments. It's folk medicine in the deep south.

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Spot on but one adjustment:

"Trump is not here to save anyone. He’s here to make Big Pharma and Gates richer." and his family while overinflating his ego even more.

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Good point!

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For argument's sake, Trump did not mandate the shots--- Ped0 J0e did. Trump also highlighted alternatives like Ivermectin. But... it is true he has never talked about the disastrous effects of the shots.

That being said... the vaxxed could be in the middle of a psyop. Aka "Mr. President, you can't say the shots were bad, people will freak out and turn against everyone who promoted them. There will be mayhem, murder and even suicides if you let this info out."

Think that's not possible? Look at the War of the Worlds broadcast. That's supposedly the reason there has not be UFO disclosure. To stop "a panic."

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Interesting view. Thank you for sharing.

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For those who love Truth, it’s all “out there” for those that want it! I voted for Trump twice- in 2016, and in 2020.

After losing my job of 23 years for non-CONvid compliance in 2021, I went down the rabbit hole…it isn’t good, is an understatement…https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/vaccine-bait-switch-millions-pulled-from-who-trump-gives-billions-gates-founded-gavi/

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Amen to that, great link.

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Freaking mess. On our leaders and pitiful people. Playing GOD. GOD'S got the upper ✋️ 🙏 Prayers for our safety in all of the devils claw☠️

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Connie, God/Creator gave us all a brain, and Intuition. We must use it!

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Just wow…

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