That’s what we are to these people The Walking Dead zombies dummies. They lie still and cheat murder shit fathers won’t hesitate to marrying their daughters it’s beyond satanic…we the people are so stupid and ignorant what can we do… the pendulum is swinging the other way we’re running out of time..

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GOD…please help these lost souls. And they are lost.

I’ve been listening to “Thirty Years Among the Dead”…amazing insights into the Soul, and Spirit after death.

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Aug 7Author

I am going to read that book. It in kindle unlimited. If it grabs me I'll buy the hardback. Thank you!

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People are just out of their minds so brainwashed and or corrupt Absolutely in fantasy world…. Any solutions?????

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Aug 7Author

Yes, but most cannot stomach it, so they accept compliance and the destruction of their world. Unless all people unite and realize it's us vs them, there is no end.

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It is by design - they are not stupid they deliberately attack everything to create chaos and division

The issue is not the issue the revolution is the issue -

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Lord, help us. I'm not convinced these are people.

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Aug 7Author

They are demons in the form of men. I swear by that statement.

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