1. I duped your column into this post.: https://emilytvproducer.substack.com/p/shelley-isnt-exactly-the-tinfoil

2. Thank you for watching this crap...I can't stomach the dystopian evil propaganda; so it's nice to have someone screen it in advance!

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Jul 21Author

You are welcome and please dupe anything and everything. People have selective and short memory. We need to fix that to break down all the manufactured division created by the predator class.

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I f*cking hate these f*cks.

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Jul 21Liked by WIV

Then people had better, collectively stand together and out aside their selfishness and views on any number of hot button topics and realize that we all, collectively, would be negatively impacted by such a stunt. People are their own ''knight on a white horse'. There are no saviors(although there IS a Savior and I could go on, endlessly, about that) or pseudo messiahs. The sooner they realize that, the better.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21Author

I keep saying this over and over again. It's not left vs right it's the people vs the predator class.

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As long as they have the populace divided over any number of issues; be it abortion, race, gender and even the people's own self interests, such as their beloved NFL, Taylor/Travis nonsense (which will begin, anew when football kicks off) Draft Kings, Facebook, X; you name it; there will never be any unity. Didn't the Romans have it figured out(for a time until they collapsed as will this effort) "Bread and Circuses'? We have our own in this day and age.

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Jul 21Liked by WIV

Research the NE blackout of 2003. In some places, no power for a week. So... no internet, no banking, and so on.

Society did not collapse. People figured it out. If/when they take down the internet, people will figure it out and life will go on.

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I can't get onto that website. Did they take it down?

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Jul 21Author

It was the link to the youtube video, I think I copied it wrong. I just updated it.

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