It's time to do something about it, everyone. Tell. If enough people know, we as a body of people will say "no" to this bull sh-t., people. And let them know this as well...


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Worth considering: The same PCR test that was deceptively-used to create covid "cases", by vastly over amplifying the "signal", is being used to assert that millions of chickens and other food stock bird must be killed to "prevent a bird flu pandemic". The same lying government that brought us the deadly Scamdemic is now using the same lying techniques to starve us.

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BOOM! Nailed it. That's exactly what they are doing. Crank the cycle threshold up and false positives all day long. We need to stop these psychopaths. What boils my blood, our military who swore an oath to defend against foreign or domestic threats does neither. They allowed a coup and now allow the people to starve to death. It's coming. I hope to God I'm wrong.

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