Jul 14ยทedited Jul 14Liked by WIV

No "powerful" entity, for over nine months, has been able to actually intervene in the genocide of the Palestinian people (for over nine months in Gaza children, THE FUTURE, have been living under the bombs, amidst the dead and wounded), we have seen some slowdowns only to appease the outrage of the crowds.

This shows that today the ruling class is in the hands of the people of the Talmud, as the recent "pandemic" had also showed.

In conclusion... no "powerful" people have ever been able to stop the criminal and satanic "Talmudistic" colonization implanted in the Middle East, this shows that they have had more than 80 years to fix all the details.

Only justice and truth are free from all masters.

The path beyond manipulation is therefore already marked out, for those who want to follow it.

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Jul 14ยทedited Jul 14Liked by WIV

In my opinion everything is staged.

Whether one is elected or the other, the agenda will be carried forward in some of its aspects - two legs of the same body.

The theme of this year's WEF was "rebuilding trust."

So maybe Trump will win, maybe there will be no elections, for some reasons...

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Jul 14Liked by WIV

Anyone who doesnโ€™t already understand what this man is saying probably isnโ€™t even on WIV. This is the second attempt Iโ€™ve seen in my life time. The first was the attempt was on Reagan. Wonder how many people will feel safe going out to vote in person on Election Day after this eventโ€ฆ ๐Ÿค”

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