Defending the right of "transgender women" (but who still had penises + still only desired women) to be placed in women's prisons was the overdue final straw for the idiotic NWO leader of the SNP (Scottish National Party), Nicola Sturgeon, this year. Male criminals were boasting to their pals that they would be avoiding male prisons just by putting on a wig + cosmetics. Actually there were a large number of such men already on Scottish prisons, and a high number of sexual assaults on real women, therefore, and at least one pregnancy.

The replacement of the First Minister for Scotland is an even more stupid Hamza Yousaf (a convert to Izl@m) who is still defending the same men to be allowed to serve their sentences in women's prisons. Hopefully he will fall on the same sword as his predecessor.

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It's always the ugly "girls."

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