
George Soros, Hillary & Government Behind The Destruction of the U.S.

Had Enough Yet?

Warning, the video does contain some profanity.

In 2017, Chaziel Sunz exposed the corruption within the DNC. The government brainwashed different social groups for one purpose. Execute their plan of a communist United States through race wars. Wars incited by the hatred of white people and conservatives.

To fund the initiative, George Soros and the Clintons stepped up to the plate. They used their financial empires and coerced the black, latino and LGBTQ communities for their bidding. And with terrorist organization like BML and ANTIFA in place, they'd rain terror onto the streets of America.

These evil white elitists embraced the hypodermic effect. They used fake news and the MSM (Mainstream Media) for total control. Play on the emotions of those who struggle daily, the impoverished and low-income communities. Once under their spell, the pawns were ready for war. Truth didn't matter, only hate against the white man and conservatives. Because they're the enemy who must be destroyed.

People who had no particular prejudice or animus for another group can have hatred forged in the heat of real (usually military) conflicts that lead them to believe that the enemy people must be defeated at any cost (permanently) and deserve the worst.

— (Goldhagen, Daniel Jonah. 2009, pg. 227)

Fast forward: in 2020, the DNC moved into phase two. Take control of the country by any means necessary. Stage acts of terror and push gun confiscation laws. This leveled the playing field between conservatives and DNC funded hate groups. Now the government runs their terror organizations without consequence.


Example: Streets of Seattle, June 2020.

State officials allowed BLM and ANTIFA to occupy six blocks in Seattle. The criminals killed, destroyed and burned down parts of the city without consequence. Anyone who spoke out, attacked by a 1,000 person mob enabled by Jenny Durkan and Jay Inslee. They forced police to stand down as anarchy decimated the area. But it didn't end there. Councilwoman Kshama Sawant cheered and joined in the treason. She allowed the occupation of City Hall by the terrorist and banded with them.

In 2023, the DNC has militarized the Trans community against more innocent victims. This time, white women and children who refuse the delusions of the woke agenda become targets of Trans hate crimes. Mentally ill men dressed as women call for attacks against anyone who dare stand in their way.


If you don't own a firearm, buy one before it's too late. Whether you believe it or not, the U.S. government's at war with the American people. We're the useless eaters in their way. If we don't stand against tyranny, we'll end up in camps or box cars.

Citizens can no longer ignore the crimes committed by our political leaders or those who follow in allegiance. Anyone in a position of authority who refuses to honor their oath is an enemy of the people. It's time to put our beliefs aside and unite as one. It's the only path forward. We can hash out our differences once we remove these bastards in power who wish us dead.

If we don't and continue to quarrel among ourselves, it's game over.

Godspeed, my friends.

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Archives, dir. 2017. Former Black Lives Matter Ferguson Organizer, Chaziel Sunz Exposes Democrats, Antifa, BLM & More.

Christopher F. Rufo. 2020. “Antifa Activists Claim First Territory in Seattle.” City Journal. June 10, 2020.

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