Dangerous Chemicals in Store Bought Soil and Food Supply
Paid for By You, The Tax Payer.
Communities across the country prepare their gardens with store-bought soil. But some brands contain the treacherous "Forever Chemical" which derives from human waste. Once transformed, it's sold as fertilizer to unsuspecting consumers with government approval. Paid for by Uncle Sam, the U.S. citizen.
Like other unhealthy products on the market, these Forever Chemicals aren't safe. Human weren't designed to consume sewage, no matter how it’s spun. It's reckless and dangerous. Every item grown from these fertilizers goes into our bodies, without our consent.
“Spreading biosolids or sewage sludge where we grow food means some PFAS will get in the soil, some will be taken up by plants, and if the plants are eaten, then that’s a direct route into the body,”
— Gillian Miller, a co-author and senior scientist with the Michigan-based Ecology Center.
These biosolids made their way into many big box stores. A few who carry the product include: Home Depot, Lowes, Menards and Ace Hardware.
What they hide from us, the chemicals cause:
birth defects
and liver disease.
“It’s not widely known that sewage sludge is spread [on gardens and agricultural land] as fertilizer, but that’s where a lot of our waste from water treatment plants ends up,” Miller said. “There are lots of nutrients in it, but, unfortunately, it also recycles our industrial and synthetic waste.”
Not only do they use the sludge in the soil we buy, it's everywhere.
They use it on farms, home gardens, schoolyards and lawns. It's destroying our environment.
“We simply cannot keep spreading biosolids on farmland,” she said. “It’s deteriorating and poisoning our soils and our land.”
— Darlene Schanfald
Out of 350 chemicals found in the waste, over 60 are unsafe and dangerous. One farm in Maine who used the biosolids on their fields had to destroy their dairy cows. Why? The milk contained PFAS. Their blood, saturated with high levels of the toxic forever chemicals. And yet it's cleared for use by the government.
What’s worse, products stamped organic contain these compounds. The corporate terrorists label their biosolid brands as eco, natural, reclaimed, or organic. It's a lie. It's a play on words to trick the public and increase revenue for their shareholders.
“These are words that can have some truth but there’s no legal definition for them,” she added. While some brands state that the product is made with biosolids, packaging doesn’t explicitly say that it’s a combination of human and industrial sewage waste.
In closing, when er buy soil for our garden, triple check the labels. If we don't, those vegetables grown may not be in our best interest.
We live in a day and age where cash is king. And the people, an expendable commodity to drive sales.
As the old adage goes, "It's not personal, it's business."
It would be very helpful to have a list of products, especially those sold at Big Box stores, that unsuspecting consumers might be likely to buy (like the potting soil). Does such a list exist?