The 1998 Robert Smigel animated short film, “Conspiracy Theory Rock,” featured in a March 1998 “TV Funhouse” segment, has since been removed from all later broadcasts of Saturday Night Live. This episode no longer appears in mainstream media.
The producer, Lorne Michaels, noted the decision to remove (censor) was due to its lack of humor. What he meant to say, according to me, it’s because facts were televised, which need to remain silenced. Yes, even back in 98.
The short illustrated a critical portrayal of corporate media ownership. It highlighted NBC’s ownership by corporate giants General Electric/Westinghouse.
Additionally, Joe Bodolai, a former SNL writer died under circumstances subject to speculation. He was known for his critical views on Israel and his support for alternative narratives of historical events.
I wonder if he also caught the Clinton Flu. Just saying…
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